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Litmus Production Record Data ...

Opening the Litmus Production Record Data Model Configurator


To create a data model in Litmus Production Record Database using the Litmus Production Record Data Model Configurator, the user will create the hierarchy inside the configurators sheets first before uploading it directly to the database.

As the solutions is designed to ideally publish the data model directly to Litmus Production Record Database, it is recommended to make sure that access to the SQL Server running the LE_ProductionRecord database exists.

For cases where users may not have direct connection to the SQL Server, the solution also has an offline mode. In the offline mode the solution will create a SQL file, which can be executed later through for example SQL Management Studio.

When opening the file Litmus_Production_Record_Data_Model_Configurator_V1.0.0.xlsm, the user is typically asked to enable VBA macros.

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Some organizations do by default not trust any custom code for MS Excel. Therefore the solution might display.

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In this case, close the solution and navigate to the files location and open its properties window. In the General tab check the Unblock checkbox and apply the change.

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Now open the file again and it should allow the user to enable the use of macros.

The solution will start the user always in the Instructions sheet.

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In case a SQL Server is defined in the sheet CONFIGURATIONS

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the application can show a prompt

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to request a SQL Authenticated Login user and password. To verify if the SQL Server is reachable and the database LE_ProductionRecord does exist.